This Site’s Vision

This site was inspired by the Holy Spirit. It’s intention is that a group of ACIM students (mighty companions) come together to help other ACIM students along the path. We would all have Muslim backgrounds and support each other in our own journey of navigating ACIM and Islam in ways that feel loving and safe for us within our families and communities of origin. Being “against Islam” would split unity and is neither the teachings of Islam, the Shahada, or the Course. Family and friends might not completely understand what we believe but we will be there for each other to help when needed, to hold each other’s hands, and to pray together. My prayer is this site helps heal and make whole all aspects of who we are collectively so we can bring more of Divinity’s light through us and ultimately help us remember our sacred origin within. Ken Wapnick teaches that we should be concerned ONLY with helping our brothers heal our collective suffering. This site is dedicated with that intention and towards that effort.