Relationships: The main focus in the Course and a corner stone of Islam

Islam & ACIM

I see ‘loosely’ two camps of Coursers. The Saint Thomas followers, Gary’s camp, that criticize the religions they come from. I can see why this happens given the history of religions to bash eternal truths so literally in form. Gary has every right to criticize Christianity because it so clearly twisted Christ’s understanding and words

Relationships: The main focus in the Course and a corner stone of Islam Read More »

You are your brother’s savior. He is yours (ACIM, T-21.VI.9:1-2). Gaza, Israel, and Palestine.

Purely ACIM

So it strikes me that most people wouldn’t comprehend the course and that includes most Muslims. That’s ok we are told again and again in Gary’s book that there will be a time that non-dualistic thinking will become dominant and what isn’t understood now will be obvious then. That quote above is from the sixth

You are your brother’s savior. He is yours (ACIM, T-21.VI.9:1-2). Gaza, Israel, and Palestine. Read More »

The Call to prayer

Islam & ACIM

I thought I would post something simple today. I’ve been busy with life and it’s social and financial demands. However, this morning I finally was able to spend some deep quite time reading my lesson for day and the beginning of chapter 30 which gives us simple directions on how to start our day. I

The Call to prayer Read More »